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Full season results - Mixed Gender pennant

North West Golf Tas - Results Clark Windows Mixed Gender Pennant

Round one

Division 1

Wynyard 5 d Ulverstone 2: J Lakin 4/3 d C Mowat, P Harding 1up d C Walker, B Johnson 1up d C Allen, H Middap lt S Johnstone 2/1, J Hubbard lt A Smith 2/1, B Kalbfell 3/2 d T Mowat, C Clark 2/1 d M Saeed.

Devonport 4 d Burnie 3: J Lunson 6/4 d M Dick, Mark Allison lt J Kay 4/3, M Rose 2/1 d S Bloom, Mike Allison 1up d I Coffey, R McDonald lt P Johns 1up, J Ralston lt M Grice 1up, S Lunson 6/4 d P Loring.

Ladder – Wynyard 1-5, Devonport 1-4, Burnie 0-3, Ulverstone 0-2.

Division 3A

Wynyard 2 lt Ulverstone 5: A MacMichael lt P Almond 8/6, A J Hancock 5/4 d S Malone, S Saward lt D Allen 1up, T Chatwin lt R Edwards 20th, M Hubbard 3/2 d S Van Essen, J Baker lt D Walker 1up, A Middap lt S Dome 19th.

Devonport 5 d Burnie 2: S Huddlestone 2/1 d S Bennett, M O’Donnell 2/1 d G Malley, G Wicks 1up d J Cumming, P Webster 2up d I Cooper, J Jennings lt S Smith 2/1, K Matthews 2/1 d D Donovan, Jonty Lunson lt G Cross 2/1.

Ladder – Ulverstone 1-5, Devonport 1-5, Burnie 0-2, Wynyard 0-2.

Division 3B

Penguin 5 d Smithton 2: T Revell 6/5 d L Gardner, D Johnson 2up d D Horton, T Latham 5/4 d Marty Sheehan, M Stewart lt N Nichols 19th, R Heazlewood 2up d T Kay, D Thompson lt Matt Sheehan 3/2, S Sherlock 5/4 d J Farrelly.

Seabrook 3 lt Thirlstane 4: C Betts 5/4 d N Richardson, C Woodberry 19th d J Sims, D Thurley lt K Clarke 1up, B Keene lt M Clarke 5/4, T Linn lt T Sherriff 2up, A Bentley lt H Richardson 3/2, A Dobson 6/5 d R Rainbird.

Ladder – Penguin 1-5, Thirlstane 1-4, Seabrook 0-3, Smithton 0-2.

Division 4A

Ulverstone 6 d West Coast 1: G Hardy 3/2 d V Parish, T Johnston lt A Cooper 1up, W Blades 3/1 d D Murfet, J Kubank 3/1 d S Douglas, K Braun 6/5 d S Whittington, K Lee 8/6 d B Poulter, R Lee 3/2 d M Lee.

Sheffield 4 d Devonport 3: T Wootton lt S Hingston 7/6, E Raddatz 20th d N Johnston, R Von Stieglitz lt R Mason 2/1, J Smithurst 2/1 d M Allford, R Day 3/1 d K Boland, T Freeman lt P McAughtrie 2up, M Jones 2/1 d A McKenzie-McHarg.

Ladder – Ulverstone 1-6, Sheffield 1-4, Devonport 0-3, West Coast 0-1.

Division 4B

Penguin 5 d Smithton 2: Z Williams lt B Dixon 19th, B Clayton 3/1 d A Philpott, J Mossop 3/2 d J Wilmott, T Easton 2/1 d P Poke, H Maine 7/6 d K Armstrong, P Kirkwood 19th d T Thomas, B Wells lt W Woods 2/1.

Seabrook 4 d Thirlstane 3: N Treloar 3/2 d B Woodward, M Jensen lt S Gardam 1up, R Bentley lt R Clarke 2up, B Fitzallen 1up d M Connelly, D Grey lt C Smithurst 1up, N Hepburn 5/3 d S Vickers, G Barker 5/3 d T Browne.

Ladder – Penguin 1-5, Seabrook 1-4, Thirlstane 0-3, Smithton 0-2.

Round two

Division 1

Burnie 2 lt Wynyard 5: B Field lt J Lakin 1up, S Bennett lt C Clark 2/1, M Dick lt B Kalbfell 5/4, I Coffey 2up d J Hubbard, M Grice lt H Middap 4/3, P Loring lt P Harding 3/2, J Kay 4/3 d B Johnson.

Ulverstone 4 d Devonport 3: C Allen 4/3 d J Molendyk, S Johnstone w/o d M Rose, C Walker lt J Lunson 1up, A Smith 6/4 d Mike Allison, B Ludbey 6/5 d H Jones, M Saeed lt Mark Allison 2/1, P Almond lt M Febey 3/2.

Ladder – Wynyard 2-10, Devonport 1-7, Ulverstone 1-6, Burnie 0-5.

Division 3A

Burnie 4 d Wynyard 3: P Johns 3/2 d E Macdonald, S Smith 1up d A MacMichael, D Donovan lt S Saward 4/3, G Cross 7/5 d T Chatwin, I Cooper lt D Baker 1up, J Cumming lt S Clear 4/3, C Johnstone 1up d A Middap.

Ulverstone 5 d Devonport 2: V Te Ruki 4/2 d P Webster, R Edwards 4/3 d R McDonald, D Walker lt C Brown 1up, S Van Essen 3/2 d S Huddlestone, S Dome 4/2 d M O’Donnell, M Wells 6/5 d K Matthews, T Leary lt Jonty Lunson

Ladder – Ulverstone 2-10, Devonport 1-7, Burnie 1-6, Wynyard 0-5.

Division 3B

Thirlstane 5 d Penguin 2: N Richardson 7/6 d M Beamish, T Sherriff lt D Johnson 4/3, K Clarke 20th d T Latham, M Clarke 5/4 d S Perko, J Sims 5/4 d A Smith, H Richardson lt T Burton 1up, R Timmerman 5/4 d D Thompson.

Seabrook 7 d Smithton 0: C Betts 1up d L Gardner, C Woodberry 5/4 d Marty Sheehan, D Hall 3/1 d N Nicholls, A Bentley 2/1 d L Elliott, T Lin 7/6 d S Mitchell, B Keene 7/5 d Matt Sheehan, D Thurley 5/3 d J Farrelly.

Ladder – Thirlstane 2-9, Seabrook 1-10, Penguin 1-7, Smithton 0-2.

Division 4A

West Coast 6 d Sheffield 1: J Douglas 5/4 d T Wootton, I Cooper 8/7 d E Raddatz, S Douglas 4/2 d L Thomas, S Whittington 7/5 d R Von Stieglitz, B Poulter 5/4 d J Smithurst, R Corbett 7/5 d R Day, B Knowles lt M Jones 4/2.

Devonport 3 lt Ulverstone 4: S Hingston 19th d G Hardy, N Johnston lt J Brett 20th, R Mason lt T Johnston 4/3, M Allford lt W Blades 1up, K Boland 19th d K Lee, P McAughtrie lt J Kubank 19th, A McKenzie-McHarg 5/4 d R Lee.

Ladder – Ulverstone 2-10, West Coast 1-7, Sheffield 1-5, Devonport 0-6.

Division 4B

Thirlstane 5 d Penguin 2: A Webb lt K Fleer 1up, S Gardam lt B Clayton 4/3, M Connelly 3/2 d J Mossop, R Clarke 4/3 d T Easton, T Browne 1up d H Maine, C Smithurst 2/1 d P Kirkwood, S Vickers 3/1 d B Wells.

Seabrook 5 d Smithton 2: A Barry lt B Dixon 7/6, N Treloar lt A Philpott 2/1, R Bentley 3/2 d J Willmot, B Fitzallen 2/1 d T Porteus, D Grey 4/3 d P Poke, N Hepburn 3/2 d S Willmot, G Barker 1up d W Woods.

Ladder – Seabrook 2-9, Thirlstane 1-8, Penguin 1-7, Smithton 0-4.

Round three

Division 1

Ulverstone 6 d Burnie 1: C Allen lt B Field 1up, C Walker 6/5 d M Dick, S Johnstone 5/4 d P Loring, A Smith 2up d I Coffey, B Ludbey 6/4 d M Grice, G Smith 4/3 d S Bloom, M Saeed 5/4 d J Kay.

Wynyard 5 d Devonport 2: J Lakin lt J Lunson 19th, P Harding lt J Molendyk 5/4, C Clark 2/1 d G Leedham, H Middap 19th d H Jones, J Hubbard 4/3 d J Emmerton, B Johnson 4/3 d M Allison, AJ Hancock 20th d M Febey.

Ladder – Wynyard 3-15, Ulverstone 2-12, Devonport 1-9, Burnie 0-6.

Division 3A

Ulverstone 7 d Burnie 0: P Almond 3/2 d I Cooper, D Allen 4/3 d P Johns, R Edwards 2/1 d J Cumming, D Walker 4/3 d S Smith, S Malone 7/6 d D Donovan, S Van Essen 8/7 d A Templar, S Dome 8/7 d S Bennett.

Wynyard 4 d Devonport 3: A MacMichael lt Mike Allison 19th, M Littler 9/7 d S Lunson, S Saward lt R McDonald 1up, D Baker lt C Brown 5/4, T Chatwin 19th d S Huddlestone, J Baker 6/5 d Jonty Lunson, A Middap 3/2 d J Jennings.

Ladder – Ulverstone 3-17, Devonport 1-10, Wynyard 1-9, Burnie 1-6.

Division 3B

Penguin 2 lt Seabrook 5: T Revell 4/3 d C Betts, A Van Tatenhove lt C Woodberry 1up, D Johnson lt D Hall 4/2, T Latham 4/3 d D Owens, A Smith lt A Bentley 19th, S Sherlock lt B Keene 6/5, D Thompson lt D Thurley 1up.

Smithton 5 d Thirlstane 2: L Gardner 3/2 d N Richardson, Marty Sheehan lt J Sims 1up, N Nicholls 4/3 d K Clarke, L Elliott lt M Clarke 2/1, T Kay 5/4 d T Sherriff, Matt Sheehan 3/2 d H Richardson, J Farrelly 2up d R Timmerman.

Ladder – Seabrook 2-15, Thirlstane 2-11, Penguin 1-9, Smithton 1-7.

Division 4A

Sheffield 3 lt Ulverstone 4: L Thomas lt G Hardy 4/3, T Wootton lt W Blades 5/4, G Connors lt K Lee 5/4, J Smithurst 4/3 d K Braun, R Von Stieglitz 3/2 d J Kubank, O Von Stieglitz lt R Lee 3/2, M Jones 6/5 d T Johnston.

Devonport 3 lt West Coast 4: K Matthews lt A Cooper 5/4, K Boland 6/5 d S Douglas, M Allford 1up d D Murfet. A McKenzie-McHarg lt S Whittington 1up, P McAughtrie 5/3 d B Poulter, N Johnston lt M Lee 20th, R Mason lt M Dunham 20th.

Ladder – Ulverstone 3-14, West Coast 2-11, Sheffield 1-8, Devonport 0-9.

Division 4B

Penguin 4 d Seabrook 3: K Fleer 4/3 d A Barry, Z Williams 9/8 d N Treloar, B Clayton 3/2 d M Jensen, T Easton lt R Bentley 3/2, D Macrow lt B Fitzallen 4/3, P Kirkwood lt N Hepburn 1up, H Maine 6/4 d G Barker.

Smithton 3 lt Thirlstane 4: S Mitchell lt A Webb 19th, B Dixon 2/1 d M Connelly, J Willmot lt S Wootton 2up, T Burke lt R Clarke 2/1, P Poke 2/1 d C Smithurst, T Porteus 4/3 d T Browne, W Woods lt S Vickers 2/1.

Ladder – Seabrook 2-12, Thirlstane 2-12, Penguin 2-11, Smithton 0-7.

Round four

Division 1

Ulverstone 6 d Wynyard 1: C Allen 2up d P Harding, S Johnstone 6/5 d M Hubbard, C Walker 7/6 d J Hubbard, B Ludbey 4/3 d S Clear, A Smith lt H Middap 4/3, T Mowat 3/1 d C Clark, M Saeed 19th d B Johnson.

Burnie 4 d Devonport 3: B Field lt J Lunson 3/2, I Coffey lt J Molendyk 5/4, P Loring lt G Leedham 7/5, M Grice 4/3 d H Jones, J Kay 5/4 d C Brown, M Dick 1up d J Emmerton, S Bloom 4/3 d Mike Allison.

Ladder – Ulverstone 3-18, Wynyard 3-16, Devonport 1-12, Burnie 1-10.

Division 3A

Ulverstone 7 d Wynyard 0: P Almond 3/2 d S Saward, S Malone 4/3 d D Baker, D Walker 6/5 d J Baker, R Edwards 6/4 d A Middap, S Van Essen 6/4 d M Carse, D Allen 9/8 d A Cadawallander, S Dome 6/5 d D Hoiberg.

Burnie 6 d Devonport 1: S Bennett 1up d Mark Allison, S Smith 2/1 d S Lunson, A Templar 2/1 d R McDonald, D Donovan lt P Webster 5/4, G Cross 1up d G Wicks, J Cumming 2/1 d S Huddlestone, I Cooper 1up d Jonty Lunson.

Ladder – Ulverstone 4-24, Burnie 2-12, Devonport 1-11, Wynyard 1-9.

Division 3B

Smithton 7 d Penguin 0: L Gardner 1up d T Revell, Marty Sheehan 2/1 d A Van Tatenhove, N Nicholls 19th d D Johnson, T Kay 4/3 d T Latham, S Mitchell 6/5 d D Thompson, Matt Sheehan 19th d D Macrow, J Farrelly 6/4 d G Gillard.

Thirlstane 3 lt Seabrook 4: N Richardson lt C Betts 1up, A Webb 5/4 d C Woodberry, K Clarke lt D Owens 1up, J Sims 1up d D Hall, M Clarke lt A Bentley 2/1, T Sherriff 5/3 d B Keene, H Richardson lt D Thurley 3/2.

Ladder – Seabrook 3-19, Thirlstane 2-14, Smithton 2-14, Penguin 1-9.

Division 4A

West Coast 5 d Ulverstone 2: V Parish 5/4 d G Hardy, A Cooper 6/5 d T Johnston, S Whittington 8/6 d W Blades, M Lee lt K Lee 2up, S Douglas 3/2 d J Kubank, A Youd lt K Braun 5/3, R Corbett 1up d J Milligan.

Devonport 5 d Sheffield 2: M Allford 9/8 d O Von Stieglitz, K Boland 3/1 d T Wootton, K Matthews 2/1 d L Thomas, A McKenzie-McHarg lt N Meyers 2up, P McAughtrie 1up d R Von Stieglitz, R Mason 1up d T Freeman, N Johnston lt M Jones 19th.

Ladder – West Coast 3-16, Ulverstone 3-16, Devonport 1-14; Sheffield 1-10.

Division 4B

Smithton 3 lt Penguin 4: B Dixon 3/2 d Z Williams, J Willmot lt B Clayton 19th, T Burke 2up d T Easton, P Poke lt D Weber 2/1, T Porteus lt H Maine 2/1, T Thomas 7/6 d B Wells, W Woods lt P Kirkwood 1up.

Thirlstane 6 d Seabrook 1: S Gardam lt A Barry 3/2, S Wootton 4/3 d N Treloar, R Clarke 4/2 d M Jensen, C Smithurst 4/2 d R Bentley, T Browne 20th d B Fitzallen, S Vickers 2up d N Hepburn, M Connelly 2/1 d G Barker.

Ladder – Thirlstane 3-18, Penguin 3-15, Seabrook 2-13, Smithton 0-10.

Round five

Division 1

Burnie 3 lt Ulverstone 4: B Field lt C Walker 20th, M Dick lt C Allen 8/7, P Loring lt S Johnstone 3/2, I Coffey 4/3 d A Smith, J Kay lt C Mowat 1up, M Grice 4/3 d T Mowat, S Bloom 2up d M Saeed.

Devonport 3 lt Wynyard 4: J Molendyk lt J Lakin 3/2, J Lunson lt H Middap 4/2, H Jones 5/4 d C Clark, K Burk lt P Harding 4/3, J Emmerton 4/3 d J Hubbard, C Brown lt B Johnson 7/6, M Febey 3/2 d AJ Hancock.

Ladder – Ulverstone 4-22, Wynyard 4-20, Devonport 1-15, Burnie 1-13.

Division 3A

Burnie 1.5 lt Ulverstone 5.5: P Johns sq P Almond, A Templar lt R Edwards 1up, S Bennett 2up d D Allen, I Cooper lt D Walker 20th, D Donovan lt S Van Essen 6/4, J Cumming lt S Malone 4/2, G Cross lt S Dome 1up.

Devonport 4 d Wynyard 3: Jonty Lunson 7/6 d A MacMichael, S Lunson lt S Saward 3/1, S Walker 2up d T Chatwin, M O’Donnell 8/6 d S Clear, P Webster lt D Baker 20th, R McDonald lt J Baker 19th, S Huddlestone 8/7 d D Hoiberg.

Ladder – Ulverstone 5-29.5, Devonport 2-15, Burnie 2-13.5, Wynyard 1-12.

Division 3B

Seabrook 4 d Penguin 3: C Betts 3/1 d T Revell, C Woodberry 1up d A Van Tatenhove, D Hall lt V Jamieson 6/5, A Bentley lt D Johnson 2up, Thi Han Linn 2/1 d T Latham, B Keene lt T Easton 4/3, D Thurley 5/4 d G Sargent.

Thirlstane 4 d Smithton 3: N Richardson 1up d L Gardner, J Sims lt D Horton 3/2, K Clarke lt Marty Sheehan 4/2, M Clarke 19th d N Nicholls, A Webb 6/4 d L Elliott, T Sherriff 2up d Matt Sheehan, S Gardam lt J Farrelly 8/6.

Ladder – Seabrook 4-23, Thirlstane 3-18, Smithton 2-17, Penguin 1-12.

Division 4A

Ulverstone 7 d Sheffield 0: G Hardy 2/1 d N Meyers, J Brett 6/5 d L Thomas, K Lee 4/3 d G Connors, W Blades 4/3 d R Von Stieglitz, J Kubank 6/5 d R Day, J Millikin 3/1 d O Von Stieglitz, T Johnston 3/2 d M Jones.

West Coast 6 d Devonport 1: A Cooper 3/2 d M Allford, S Whittington 7/6 d K Boland, B Poulter 6/4 d K Matthews, M Lee 4/2 d P McAughtrie, S Douglas 5/4 d A McKenzie-McHarg, A Youd lt R Mason 2up, R Corbett w/o.

Ladder – Ulverstone 4-23, West Coast 4-22, Devonport 1-15, Sheffield 1-10.

Division 4B

Seabrook 1 lt Penguin 6: A Barry lt K Fleer 4/2, N Treloar lt Z Williams 5/4, M Jensen lt B Clayton 2/1, R Bentley lt J Mossop 19th, B Fitzallen 6/5 d D Macrow, N Hepburn lt P Kirkwood 5/3, G Barker lt H Maine 1up.

Thirlstane 3 lt Smithton 4: M Connelly lt S Mitchell 5/3, R Clarke 3/2 d B Dixon, C Smithurst 3/2 d J Willmot, T Browne lt T Burke 2/1, S Morrison 1up d P Poke, A Medcalf lt T Porteus 5/4, S Vickers lt W Woods 6/4.

Ladder – Penguin 4-21, Thirlstane 3-21, Seabrook 2-14, Smithton 1-14.

Round six

Division 1

Wynyard 6 d Burnie 1: J Lakin lt B Field 4/3, P Harding 5/4 d I Coffey, B Johnson 7/6 d P Loring, C Clark 4/3 d M Dick, J Hubbard 3/2 d S Bloom, AJ Hancock 4/2 d M Grice, H Middap 2up d J Kay.

Devonport 3.5 sq Ulverstone 3.5: J Molendyk lt S Johnstone 1up, M Febey 2/1 d A Smith, J Emmerton lt C Walker 3/1, H Jones sq C Allen, Jonty Lunson sq T Mowat, Joel Lunson sq B Ludbey, K Burk 5/4 d M Saeed.

Ladder – Wynyard 5-26, Ulverstone 5-25.5, Devonport 1-18.5, Burnie 1-14.

Division 3A

Wynyard 1 lt Burnie 6: S Saward lt D Johnston-Bugg 5/4, A MacMichael lt S Bennett 4/3, T Chatwin lt S Smith 2/1, D Baker lt P Johns 4/3, S Clear lt C Withers 9/7, A Middap 2/1 d J Cumming, M Carse lt D Donovan 3/2.

Devonport 3.5 sq Ulverstone 3.5: S Lunson lt P Almond 3/1, M Allison lt D Walker 1up, S Walker 2/1 d R Edwards, M O’Donnell 3/2 d S Malone, J Jennings lt V Te Ruki 2/1, R McDonald 19th d S van Essen, S Huddlestone sq S Dome.

Ladder – Ulverstone 5.5-33, Burnie 3-19.5, Devonport 2.5-18.5, Wynyard 1-13.

Division 3B

Penguin 4 d Thirlstane 3: A Van Tatenhove 6/5 d K Clarke, V Jamieson lt N Richardson w/o, D Johnson 3/1 d J Sims, T Latham 4/3 d M Clarke, A Smith 20th d H Richardson, D Thompson lt T Sherriff 4/2, D Macrow lt A Webb 1up.

Smithton 6 d Seabrook 1: L Gardner lt C Betts 2up, D Horton 19th d C Woodberry, Marty Sheehan 23rd d T Linn, N Nichols 5/4 d D Thurley, L Elliott 5/3 d A Dobson, Matt Sheehan 1up d B Keene, J Farrelly 3/2 d E Bourne.

Ladder – Seabrook 4-24, Smithton 3-23, Thirlstane 3-21, Penguin 2-16.

Division 4A

Sheffield 4 d West Coast 3: N Meyers lt V Parish 3/2, E Raddatz 4/2 d A Cooper, T Wootton 1up d D Murfet, G Connors 4/3 d S Whittington, R Day lt B Poulter 2/1, R Von Stieglitz lt M Lee 3/2, M Jones 4/3 d A Youd.

Ulverstone 5 d Devonport 2: G Hardy 6/4 d P Webster, J Brett 4/2 d K Boland, K Lee 8/6 d P McAughtrie, T Johnston lt A McKenzie-McHarg 1up, W Blades 3/1 d M Allford, J Kubank lt R Mason 5/4, K Braun 7/5 d N Johnston.

Ladder – Ulverstone 5-28, West Coast 4-25, Sheffield 2-14, Devonport 1-17.

Division 4B

Penguin 4 d Thirlstane 3: K Fleer 8/6 d S Gardam, Z Williams lt R Clarke 5/4, B Clayton 3/2 d S Wootton, J Mossop 4/2 d C Smithurst, T Easton 5/4 d T Browne, H Maine lt S Vickers 4/2, P Kirkwood lt M Connelly 5/3.

Smithton 4 d Seabrook 3: S Mitchell lt N Treloar 4/2, B Dixon lt M Jensen 2up, J Willmot 4/3 d R Bentley, T Burke 6/5 d B Fitzallen, P Poke lt J Agg 1up, T Porteus 3/2 d N Hepburn, W Woods 6/5 d G Barker.

Ladder – Penguin 5-25, Thirlstane 3-24, Smithton 2-18, Seabrook 2-17.


Division 1 (36 holes)

Wynyard 2 lt Ulverstone 5: J Lakin 5/4 d C Walker, P Harding lt C Allen 6/5, B Johnson lt S Johnstone 8/7, H Middap lt C Mowat 7/6, J Hubbard 5/4 d M Saeed, C Clark lt A Smith 7/6, AJ Hancock lt T Mowat 8/7.

Division 3

Ulverstone 5 d Seabrook 2: P Almond sq C Betts, D Allen 7/5 d C Woodberry, D Walker sq D Hall, R Edwards 1up d T Linn, S Malone lt A Bentley 1up, S van Essen 2/1 d B Keene, S Dome 2/1 d D Thurley.

Division 4

Ulverstone 4 d Penguin 3: R Lee 3/2 d K Fleer, G Hardy 2/1 d Z Williams, J Brett lt B Clayton 2up, K Lee lt T Easton 19th, W Blades 2/1 d J Mossop, J Kubank 5/4 d P Kirkwood, T Johnston lt H Maine 20th.


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