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Pennant results 06/02/2022

Results Alpha Electrics NWGT Women’s pennant – 06/02/2022

Div 1

Ulverstone 2.5 sq Burnie/Wynyard 2.5: S Crowden sq S Loring, R Paton 3/2 d J Loring, L Innes lt S Cotton 1up, G Melhuish 2up d A Brazendale, F King lt M Coffey 3/2.

Thirlstane 3 d Smithton 2: J Thompson 3/1 d J Dixon, K Mitchelson 2/1 d K Ashley, L Clarke lt W Beattie 4/3, S Sykes lt J Bramich 5/4, K Hall 1up d R Kingston.

Ladder: Burnie/Wynyard 7.0, 3; Smithton 6.0, 2; Thirlstane 3.5, 2; Ulverstone 3.5, 1.

Results Alpha Electrics NWGT Pennant - round two

Division 1

Burnie 4 d Ulverstone 3: B Field 5/4 d C Walker, M Dick lt C Allen 2/1, M Grice 5/4 d B Ludbey, G Leedham 19th d J Blair, I Coffey 4/2 d C Mowat, M Milligan lt M Woods 5/3, C Withers lt A Smith 2/1.

Seabrook 3 lt Devonport 4: D Owens lt P Nielsen 4/3, C Betts 3/1 d Joel Lunson, D Hall lt Jonty Lunson 5/3, C Woodberry lt M Febey 2/1, A Bentley lt R McDonald 4/3, S Bennett 3/1 d S Hingston, B Keene 2/1 d G Wicks.

Ladder – Burnie 2-8, Ulverstone 1-10, Devonport 1-7, Seabrook 0-3.

Division 2

Ulverstone 6 d Burnie 1: M Saeed 3/2 d A Templar, P Almond 6/4 d D Johnston-Bugg, P Harding 5/4 d S Monson, D Allen 5/4 d S Smith, R Edwards lt P Johns 20th, K Lee 5/4 d J Kay, D Walker 1up d I Cooper.

Penguin 6 d Thirlstane 1: A Van Tatenhove 2/1 d N Richardson, V Jamieson 7/6 d K Clarke, T Latham lt J Sims 3/2, T Revell 8/7 d R Lewis, T Burton 3/2 d M Clarke, R Heazlewood 3/1 d H Richardson, A McKenzie-McHarg 2/1 d T Parker.

Ladder – Penguin 1-9, Ulverstone 1-9, Burnie 1-5, Thirlstane 1-5.

Division 3

Burnie 4 d Ulverstone 3: G Cross lt S Van Essen 1up, J Cumming lt S Malone 1up, A Johnstone 1up d M Smith, C Johnstone 4/3 d R Cook, E Johnstone 3/2 d T Mowat, B Clarke lt J Kubank 4/2, L Clarke 5/4 d P Kubank.

Seabrook 1 lt Devonport 6: B Fitzallen lt K Matthews, A Dobson lt K Boland 2/1, M Jensen lt S Huddlestone 4/3, N Treloar lt A Tenaglia 5/4, R Bentley lt M Allford 3/1, A Marshall 1up d P McAughtrie, G Barker lt J Heatley 2up.

Ladder – Devonport 2-12, Ulverstone 1-9, Burnie 1-5, Seabrook 0-2.

Division 4 (Handicap)

Ulverstone 6 d Sheffield 1: L Nixon lt E Raddatz 20th, P Bell 7/6 d G Connors, T Bennett 4/2 d L Thomas, G Hardy 7/6 d R Von Stieglitz, T Johnston 4/3 d R Day, W Blades 5/4 d O Von Stieglitz, K Braun 6/4 d M Jones.

Penguin 5 d Thirlstane 2: D Macrow 6/5 d T Sherriff, B Clayton 9/7 d T Nguyen, S Sherlock 6/5 d S Gardam, L Heazlewood 8/6 d C Simonds, H Maine 2/1 d T Browne, P Kirkwood lt J Lewis 4/2 (J Lewis hole-in-one on 16th), B Heazlewood lt S Vickers 2/1.

Bye – West Coast.

Ladder – Ulverstone 1-9, West Coast 1-6, Penguin 1-6, Thirlstane 1-6, Sheffield 0-1.


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